LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film still directed by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT film poster

‘Losing It’ is a subversive commentary on addiction, withdrawals, and the sweeping desperation that subsequently takes hold….The film’s fantastical imagery and erratic narrative structure effectively and uniquely convey these themes, making for a fascinating viewing experience.

– Venice Film Week 2022


‘Losing It’ takes quite some risks breaking the boundaries of its format in more than one way.…The plot is dark, enigmatic and delirious. One thinks of Flight Club or Memento. In short, a real big screen experience.  

– Pixel Vienna 2022

Perfectly drawn, animated, edited and scored psycho-mystery-relationship-burnout-thriller.

– Best Austrian Animation Festival 2022

The joy of Vernik’s film comes in its unpredictability as you can’t quite foretell where he’ll take you or what he’ll show you from scene to scene. Visually, the film slightly recalls the work of Watchmen Illustrator Dave Gibbons in how he bridges the splendour of science fiction with a world that feels downbeat and bleak.

 – Director’s Notes 2023

LOSING IT short animated film character concept art by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN and Igino

Character concept art by Igino & Revkin

LOSING IT short animated film character concept art by Florian Bo

Character concept art by Florian Boschitsch Bron

Line drawing stage

animation frames

LOSING IT short animated film background 3D render by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN
LOSING IT short animated film background 3D render by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN

background 3D renders

black and white storyboard frames by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN & Igino
black and white storyboard frames by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN & Igino
black and white storyboard frames by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN & Igino
black and white storyboard frames by Sascha Vernik / REVKIN & Igino

storyboard frames by Igino & Revkin